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[Intro] Your First Korean, Jenn.

by Jenn101 2020. 6. 30.

#1 Your First Korean, Jenn.

(one of my favorite moments)

Hey, World! 

I am Jenn who's Korean and living in Korea now.

Actually, currently, I already have my own blog but I made this one newly.

#2 Why? 

Because, first of all, the current one is written in Korean, so lots of my friends who are not Korean couldn't understand what that means even though there are several pictures on it. 

Second, I wanted to make a much more sophisticated one ( contents)  with this. 

I think my original blog is somehow messy right now.

I am usually writing some of my daily life, English studying stuff, and any other my interests in it but I feel like those are not gathering in one topic. 

So one of my goals in this time is to write blogs that can harmonize with each other.

And Lastly, I want to tell you the Korean thing more vividly ( as a REAL Korean), and in the same time, I want to practice my English writing as well!

(Korean Tteokbbokki/ Let's talk about this next time :D)

#3 What?

In this blog, I am gonna upload Korean culture ( like food, places to go , things to do..etc ) and my Korean life Blog! 

Those two things have common in 'Korean' so, I think it's quite okay:)



This is the 'Intro' of my blog! 

Maybe you can say that it's too simple as a blog but trust me, 

I'm gonna grow as the time goes on and it might get better than now. 

